I’m James Blair. Husband, father and native Texan.

I’ve always just had to know how things work. As a kid, I would break things just to see if I could put them back together again, much to the chagrin of my parents. Throughout life, I’ve challenged the idea of specializing in one narrow focus and found my path in life as an aspirational renaissance man (I’m not nearly interesting enough yet).

The greatest lesson I’ve learned is that I am a sinner in need of a savior. My hope is found in the redemptive work of Jesus and from that truth, the rest of who I am flows. It has taught me to humbly seek understanding before asserting my pride, to value the unique gifts and value inherit in all people, and to prioritize serving others needs over my own.

I think that is why entrepreneurship has always fit me so well. It allows me to utilize my aptitudes and experiences to serve others through these various ventures; From carbon fiber manufacturing, digital agencies, and NFT focused crypto startups.

Today, my focus is on simplifying access to the promise of decentralized finance (DeFi) for everyone. I believe that utilizing blockchains to uniquely provide asset authenticity, ownership, and identity in an ever increasing digital society is our best path forward to create a better world for our children.

And that is my dream — as a father of two, I want an entirely new generation of powerful web3 experiences to be the norm for my kids and I plan on being here to help shape that future.